To deliver lectures and masterclasses during the course
Average number of people in a group
Course duration (one day off included)
Арт-свидание "Тайна знакомства"
We can estimate your company's opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic. We also can explore the infrastructure and the landscape.
Арт-свидание "Огонь любви"
We develop the main conception of a company according to the company's targets and develop strategies of competitive advantage, branding for new companies, or rebrand products.
Арт-свидание "В облаках"
We develop the strategy, conception, and ideology of the project, offer you urban planning ideas and technical solutions, create a full project plan.
Арт-свидание "Нежный соблазн"
We develop the strategy, conception, and ideology of the project, offer you urban planning ideas and technical solutions, create a full project plan.